Region Ústecký kraj of the county town of Ústí nad Labem is situated in northwest Bohemia and adjacent to the region: Liberecký kraj, Středočeský kraj, Plzeňský kraj, with whom he has a very short line, and Karlovarský kraj. Its longest border is with Germany and consists primarily Krušné Mountains with the highest peak Klínovec 1244 m. Klínovec also extends to the region Karlovarský kraj. Region Ústecký kraj is located PLA České středohoří Mountains with highest peak Milešovka 837 m, which was created by volcanic activity, which borders the city of Děčín with other PLA Labské pískovce and further north lies PLA České Švýcarsko. Region Ústecký kraj is due to PLA, that there are very attractive for tourists, particularly for all who like to relax in nature walks.
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