Brno - in our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels in Brno. Brno is the county seat of the region Jihomoravský kraj and is situated in its northern part and is divided into two districts: Brno-city and Brno-rural areas. Accommodation in Brno is the cultural and social experience and a very popular tourist destinations in South Moravia. It is the historic university city with many sights, such as: historic center, which is an urban conservation area, the castle and fortress Špilberk and castle Veveří, catedral St. Peter and Paul, functionalist Tugendhat Villa, which is registered on UNESCO World Heritage Site. Brno is the world-famous as well as organizing international exhibitions and fairs that are held at the Brno Exhibition Centre. Brno Exhibition Centre has been operating since 1928 and other cultural monuments in Brno. In addition to the International Engineering Fair Brno is also internationally known motorsport races at the Masaryk circuit. For recreation on the water, swimming and water sports there is the Brno dam. Trips to the countryside, hiking trails and cyklostrasy will take you to the Moravský kras, which begins in the northeastern part of town.
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