Příbram - in our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels in Příbram. The city Příbram is located in central Bohemia, 50 km southwest of the capital Praha and 42 km south of Beroun, on the river Litavka. Příbram is known as the historic mining town. In a world first there was reached depth of 1000 m the bottom Vojtěch. This history reminds Mining Museum, which is one of the largest in the country. Other tourist destinations in Příbram as: a place of pilgrimage Holy Mountain, which leads from the city covered staircase, church St. James, Manor Ernestinum, Pražská street or miners' church of St. Prokop. Outside the town rises highlands Brdy and Příbram's so good starting point for trips into the countryside, for example Třemošná 778 m. The other tourist destinations in the vicinity as Antonin Dvořák Memorial in Vysoká u Příbrami, Zvíkov castle, castles Orlík, Březnice and Dobříš, a memorial to the end of World War II to Slivice or memorial Vojna at Lešetice. The trip also attracts just 18 km away Orlík dam. 


nám. t.G. Masaryka 143, Příbram


Loužek - Orlík r.s., Krásná Hora


Chlum 63, Nalžovice
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