Karlovy Vary - in our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels in Karlovy Vary. City of Karlovy Vary is located at the confluence of Ohře and Teplá, is the capital of the region Karlovarský kraj and the most famous spa town in the country. Karlovy Vary attract to convalesce, wellness, spa holidays, historical monuments and nature around. From the historical monuments you can visit such as: Sadová, Mlýnská, Tržní, Vřídelní or Zámecká colonnade, spa buildings, Castle Tower, Post Court, the Municipal Theatre and Orthodox Church St. Peter and Paul. Holidays in Karlovy Vary is a popular year-round. In the summer attract visitors Krušné mountains, where you during your stay in Karlovy Vary you can go for nature and the different sports - hiking, nordic walking, cycling and winter skiing or snow kiting. For active holidays there is also a golf course. Karlovy Vary is also famous in the world not only for its spas, but also for the International Film Festival, liqueur Becherovka, Moser crystal glassware and traditional spa wafers.
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