Bruntál - in our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels in Bruntál. Bruntál city lies in the western part of the region Moravskoslezský kraj, 37 km east of the city of Opava and 55 km north of the town of Olomouc, on the Black Creek in the tourist area Jeseníky. Attractive place in northern Moravia has much to offer tourists. The historical center is an urban area, other monuments are: Bruntál, castle park, city walls, the pilgrimage church of the Virgin Mary on the Uhlířský vrch, which leads to the Lime avenue, Gabriel House, Holy Trinity or Plague cross. Bruntal city is an ideal starting point for trips into the countryside, especially in Jeseníky, which lead miles of hiking trails and cycling, and winter are ideal conditions for skiing. In summer it is ideal for swimming and water sports on the water tank Slezská Harta.
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