Český Krumlov - in our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels in Český Krumlov. City Český Krumlov in southern Bohemia lies 25 km south of the České Budějovice, on the Vltava river in the foothills of Blanský forest and was founded by the year 1274. The medieval center of Český Krumlov is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Český Krumlov castle was originally a gothic castle with the castle garden, which is known revolving auditorium. Other sights are the Town Hall on 2 mid-16th century, church. St. Víta, Synanoga, Borough walls and Puppet Museum. Accommodation in Český Krumlov is an unforgettable experience in every season. At Český Krumlov are echo the PLA Blanský forest and Šumava, and thus may be permissible in Český Krumlov associated with excursions into the countryside. The trip also attracts Lipno water reservoir, which is approximately 22 km away.
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