Prostějov - in our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels in Prostějov. Prostějov city is located in the southern part of the region Olomoucký kraj, 20 km south of the city of Olomouc and 27 km north of Vyškov in the region Jihomoravský kraj, the rivers Hloučela and Romže flowing through it. Prostějov is an attractive tourist city, especially for the many historical monuments that are in the city and its surroundings are. In the city the tourists can see for example: the historic town center, which is the urban area, 66 m high new Town Hall with astronomical clock, the Plague Column, Old City Hall, National House, which houses the municipal theater, Prostějov castle, city walls, the former Jewish Chap ghetto Špalíček or the Brothers of Mercy. Accommodation in Prostějov is the cultural and social experience, regularly plays host to events Wolkerův Prostějov, Prostějov summer, Prostějov winter, Young scene and Hanácké festivities. In Prostějov are also spaces for sports stays and families with children welcome in the summer water park and swimming pool.
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