Přerov - in our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels in Přerov. Přerov lies in the southern part of the region Olomoucký kraj, 22 km southeast of the city of Olomouc and 22 km north of the Kroměříž on the river Bečva. In the historic town of Přerov you can see monuments, including: historical city center, which is the urban area, Přerov castle, which sits Comenius Museum, Church of Cyril and Methodius, the city walls or railway station Přerov. Other tourist sites are visited archaeological sites, which include findings from the days of mammoth hunters. All you can see when you go hiking trail - The trail of mammoth hunters. Přerov with a significant history of tennis is also ideal for sports-minded tourists and visitors. You will find tennis courts, sports centers and swimming area. For families with children and the rest of the water is a natural swimming lagoon.
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