Chrudim - in our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels in Chrudim. Chrudim city lies in eastern Bohemia in the region Pardubický kraj, 11 km south of the city of Pardubice and 56 km west of Litomyšl on the river Chrudimka, which originates in PLA Žďárské Hills. The historic town of Chrudim with one of the biggest monument zones are popular tourist destinations. Watch as you can for example: a complex of museum buildings, a former tanning mill, Khomovský house, pillar Transfiguration with fountain, Church of St. Michael, Mydlářův house or Kapucínský monastery with a garden and the church of St. Joseph. Chrudim surroundings are ideal for trips into the countryside, especially the 18 km distant reservoir Seč, which attracts water sports enthusiasts and families with children bathing. Swimming can also be found directly in Chrudim in the swimming pool or summer swimming pool. Železné mountains is the next target for trips near Chrudim, where you can follow walking trails, hiking trails and cycle paths.
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