Ústí nad Labem - in our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels in Ústí nad Labem. The town of Ústí nad Labem is the county seat of the region Ústecký kraj, located in northwest Bohemia on the river Labe. The city is primarily known as a city with heavy industry, which primarily affected very nature in and around the town, especially in times of communism. Today, fortunately, the environment greatly improved. What monuments are concerned, there's not Ústí nad Labem, just the best. It's the first raids of the Allies during the Second World War II and socialist production in the second half of the 20th century, but at least tourists can visit the church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary with a leaning tower or castle ruins Střekov on a rock directly above the river. Popular place for families with children ZOO Ústí nad Labem. Around town you can visit castles eg Trmice, the Velké Březno, Krásné Březno, Větruše or Blansko castle ruins. For trips into the countryside is beautiful PLA Labské pískovce, PLA České středohoří and Krušné mountains.
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