In our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels, holiday resorts in the Český ráj. Český ráj is the oldest protected area in the Czech Republic has proclaimed the year 1955. PLA Český ráj extends into three counties Středočeský, Liberecký and Královehradecký. The boundary of the Český ráj is about the city: Turnov - the heart of the Český ráj, Frýdštejn, Železný Brod, Semily, Lomnice nad Popelkou, Jičín, Sobotka and Mnichovo Hradiště. Holidays in the Český ráj is a unique pleasure. The Český ráj will find many natural and historical landmarks. Probably the most famous is the ruins of Trosky, Kost castle, Hrubá Skála Chateau, Chateau Sychrov and location Prachovské skály.
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