In our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels, recreation centers in Novohradské mountains. Novohradské mountains are situated in South Bohemia on the border with Austria in the communities surrounding Nové Hrady, Horní Stropnice, Benešov nad Černou, Dolní Dvořiště and Malonty. In Novohradské mountains there are sixteen peaks higher than a thousand meters above sea level. Five of them are on our territory, the highest is Kamenec 1072 m, Myslivna 1040 m and Vysoká 1034 m. Novohradské Mountains Natural Park can be visited from the road between the village of Nové Hrady and the town of Třeboň. Nordic tundra landscape reminiscent of a nature trail. Favourite places in Novohradské mountains as: Terčino údolí in valley of the river Stropnice 1 km from Nové Hrady, National Nature Reserve on the outskirts of PLA Třeboňsko between towns České Budějovice and Jindřichův Hradec, Cukštejn fortress, castle Nové Hrady, lock Nové Hrady and Buquoys Residences in Nové Hrady. Holidays in Novohradsko preserved nature is ideal rest for families with children, actively loving individuals and seniors.
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