In our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels, resorts in Adršpach. National Nature Reserve Adršpašsko-Teplice rocks lies between municipalities Adršpach, Teplice nad Metují and Skály in the PLA Broumovsko. Holidays in Adršpach and Adršpach rocks the time spent on trips around the various rock formations and rock into the towns and castles Adršpach, Střemen and Skály, ravines Wolf then walk up to the Teplice rock town. The route to the trip, you will find sports savvy individuals and senior citizens and families with children. It is not true that only goes to Adršpach climbers, for which there are really great condition. A dense network of hiking trails and cycling calls for an active holiday. Water sports and swimming are popular in the former sand quarry flooded, there is also the opportunity to borrow a boat. Remarkable experience is then a trip into the heart of Adršpach rocks, just above the waterfall where you will find a small lake, which will take you through a boatman on the punt. The path to the lake are among the most challenging.
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