In our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels, recreational centers in Šumava. Šumava as one of the most visited places attracts tourists in all seasons. Holidays in the summer in Šumava - miles of marked hiking and cycling trails, trails for less demanding tourists and families with children, trips to castles, lakes: Laka, Černé or Čertovo on Železnorudsko, moors or tower: Boubín, Poledník and Pancíař. Accommodation by water in Šumava see Lipno then which is the haven for water sports. In the autumn Šumava is a paradise for mushroom pickers - weekend stays. Winter Holidays in Šumava - through snow Šumava you covered and marked cross country tracks. Ski areas in Šumava - downhill skiing and snowboarding for families, beginners and advanced skiers will find in the village: Železná Ruda, Kašperské mountains, Zadov or ski resort Lipno. Holidaying - it is mainly the time spent in the beautiful countryside.
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