In our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels, holiday resorts in the Česká Sibiř. Česká Sibiř is an area that is situated in the region Středočeský kraj and slightly extends into the region Jihočeský. One might define cities Vlašim, Benešov, Sedlčany, Sedlec-Prčice and south towards the town of Tábor. We can find also known PLA Blaník at the township Louňovice pod Blaníkem. The beautiful hilly landscape full of forests, ponds, meadows, pastures and fields, is an ideal place for all who love to spend free time in nature. Hiking trails and bicycle paths will lead you to such places such as: mountain Velký Blaník with a tower, castle ruins Zvěřinec, brewery Vítek z Prčice or folk architecture Ounuz pod Javorovou skálou. On their own here come the mushroom pickers and fishermen. In the winter of his coming and skiing fans. Monínec Ski Resort offers downhill skiing and the surrounding meadows are perfectly prepared ski trails. Holidays in Česká Sibiř is so experience in any season.
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